Examples of use of Servia
1. Construyo el 3 de julio del 1' (1'30) de la Era Juche la Asociacion de Camaradas Konsol como primera organizacion partidista que servia de ejemplo en la creacion y ampliacion de las entidades basicas.
2. He was found guilty of taking part, with three other men, in an armed robbery of a branch of the National Bank in the village of Servia near Kozani in July 1''1 that led to a customer being shot and injured.
3. En la casa consignadora de correos de Phophyong despacho directivas escritas y datos necesarios para propagar la idea progresista a las organizaciones revolucionarias del pais y utilizo como lugares de enlace secreto para las actividades en el interior del pais el restaurante y la casa del ayudante quien servia en el puesto de gendarmeria de Phophyong.
4. "As far as Serbia is concerned, the natural place for Servia is in the European family and I don‘t think that Russia has a different view on this." He declined to rule himself out of the running for the newly created title of President of the Council of European Union, but said the precise details of the job description must still be spelled out.
5. Seismologists described the tremor, whose epicenter was located under the village of Servia, as an «isolated phenomenon.» Zoning objections A group of 10 environmental protection groups yesterday called for the revocation of a national land zoning plan, unveiled by the government earlier this week.